Cache Lake, Canada

July 4th - 13th, 2025


Troop 888 is planning an expedition to the beautiful council-owned Cache Lake Camp  in Southwestern Ontario, Canada.  

Activities include boating, fishing, waterskiing, tubing, cabin camping, and more.  The scenery and wildlife viewing is worth the trip alone!

The estimated cost per person for the Cache Lake Adventure will vary, depending on how many people participate and what activities you do.  

Final cost will not be known until after the trip, since the amount of boat gas burned will not be known until then.  With the rise in cost of goods we will collect $500 per attendee as an advance payment and make final adjustments after the trip.   That's usually around $100 or so based on previous years.

We are planning for a group size of 25 participants, but the camp can accommodate more, if needed.

Eligibility to Attend

In order to be eligible, a Scout must meet these requirements:

Any person (Scout or Adult) who wishes to operate a motor boat at Cache Lake must complete a boater safety education course and have a Boating License issued by a NASBLA authorized organization (IL DNR, US Power Squadron, US Coast Guard Auxiliary, etc.). 

Troop 888 will be sponsoring a free course in March 2025.  If you cannot attend that, you’ll still have to complete a course on your own.

Important Dates

Basic Equipment Checklist

Each scout limited to one duffel and one daypack.  Everything MUST pack inside one of those two bags.  Duffel must fit inside a large black trash bag (to keep dry on boat ride to camp).

No cell service after we cross the border.
Leaders will have specialized emergency radios.  

On Your Body

In Your Daypack

In Your Duffel

Additional Forms

Camp History

Cache Lake Camp is a Scout camp owned by the W. D. Boyce Council, located in Ontario, Canada. The camp is located 670 miles north of Bloomington, Illinois, approximately 8 miles via water, northeast of Crane Lake, Minnesota. This camping opportunity was started in 1963 – with all of the start-up and annual maintenance work conducted by dedicated volunteers.


Click here to read the history of Cache Lake Camp.